This time round, I'm not going to reveal here...
You may come and get from me :D.
msn @ rinkokox3
email @ x3genie
facebook @ x3genie
(All above are @ )
Or by smsing me/calling me/asking me in real life/ whatever means.
Please be honest and use your REAL identity :) , else you'll definetely be looked down on..
I may or may not give you my new bloglink due to some personal problems...
I'm trying to stay out of trouble...
I've disabled google search for my new blog, some friends have got to know my new link. But none of them gna link me.
So you can quit trying your luck.
I appreciate drugsarefriends alot.
But its time to move on due to some personal problems.
I wanna start afresh, those who are with me in the past,
I hope you'll still be in my life :) .
* pls note that i don't mean harm in this whole paragraph. No insultations involved neither are there pin-pointings.
w love, rinko